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TIKI setup { scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's path models/weapons/BAR skelmodel BAR.skd surface bar1 shader bar surface bar3 shader bar surface bar4 shader barclip } init { server { //========================================// // WEAPON NAME // //========================================// classname Weapon weapontype mg name "BAR" rank 410 410 //========================================// // WEAPON ACCURACY // //========================================// // BAR: Max Eff. Range is 500 yds with a muzzle velocity of 2650 ft/s. (30-06 Springfield) sp bulletrange 4000 //the range at which bulletspread is applied sp bulletspread 11 11 45 45 //minpitch minyaw maxpitch maxyaw original 11 11 60 60 sp firespreadmult 0.38 0.61 200 0.6 //add falloff cap maxtime - was 0.38 0.68 200 0.8 dm bulletrange 4000 dm bulletspread 12 12 52 52 //10 10 54 54 //10 10 62 62 //fourth run 10 10 99 99 //third run 8 8 90 90 //second run 12 12 60 60 //original 14 14 75 75 // dm firespreadmult 0.38 0.68 200 1.5 //add(%) falloff(%/sec) cap maxtime //1st run (too accurate, whoa, probably no spread) // dm firespreadmult 0.4 0.4 200 0.8 //add(%) falloff(%/sec) cap maxtime //2nd run Carl (a bit too accurate, but usable) // dm firespreadmult 0.55 0.45 200 0.9 //add(%) falloff(%/sec) cap maxtime //3rd run Steve (too inaccurate, back to 2nd) Oct. 25 // dm firespreadmult 0.475 0.425 200 0.8 //add(%) falloff(%/sec) cap maxtime //4th run Steve (adjusted to between 2nd and 3rd runs, slightly too inaccurate) // dm firespreadmult 0.4 0.6 175 0.7 //add(%) falloff(%/sec) cap maxtime //5th run Steve (need to compensate for the slow rate of fire more) dm firespreadmult 0.35 0.65 160 0.7 //add(%) falloff(%/sec) cap maxtime //6th run Steve // Realism Attributes realism bulletrange 4000 realism bulletspread 9 9 50 50 //10 10 54 54 //10 10 62 62 //fourth run 10 10 99 99 //third run 8 8 90 90 //second run 12 12 60 60 //original 14 14 75 75 realism firespreadmult 0.35 0.65 160 0.7 //add(%) falloff(%/sec) cap maxtime //6th run Steve //========================================// // DAMAGE / RATE OF FIRE // //========================================// sp bulletdamage 60 sp firedelay 0.12 dm bulletdamage 35 //28 //third run 32 //second run 40 //original 35 dm firedelay 0.12 realism bulletdamage 42 //28 //third run 32 //second run 40 //original 35 realism firedelay 0.12 realism throughwood 24 realism throughmetal 8 //========================================// // PLAYER MOVEMENT // //========================================// sp movementspeed 0.9 dm movementspeed 0.85 //orig 0.76 realism movementspeed 0.85 //========================================// // RIFLE BUTT / SECONDARY FIRE// //========================================// secondary firetype melee secondary ammotype none secondary ammorequired 0 secondary meansofdeath bash secondary bulletknockback 50 secondary quiet sp secondary bulletrange 64 sp secondary bulletdamage 60 dm secondary bulletrange 96 dm secondary bulletdamage 60 realism secondary bulletrange 96 realism secondary bulletdamage 60 //========================================// // AMMO // //========================================// firetype bullet ammotype "mg" meansofdeath bullet bulletcount 1 clipsize 20 ammorequired 1 bulletlarge 1 sp startammo 20 dm startammo 160 sprealism startammo 20 dmrealism startammo 100 // Additional DM loadout dm additionalstartammo "grenade" 2 dm additionalstartammo "smokegrenade" 1 dm startitem "items/binoculars.tik" // Additional DM Realism loadout dmrealism additionalstartammo "grenade" 2 dmrealism additionalstartammo "smokegrenade" 1 dmrealism startitem "items/binoculars.tik" //========================================// // CROSSHAIR, ZOOM, TRACERS // //========================================// sp tracerfrequency 3 //original 0 dm tracerfrequency 0 sprealism tracerfrequency 3 dmrealism tracerfrequency 0 crosshair 1 //========================================// // SOUND, AI, OTHER // //========================================// pickupsound bar_snd_pickup ammopickupsound bar_snd_pickup_ammo noammosound bar_snd_noammo // Holstering info // holstertag "Bip01 Spine2" // holsteroffset "8.0 -7.75 6.5" // holsterangles "0 185 -25" // holsterScale 1.0 // AI animation group info weapongroup bar airange short // this is attached to the player during reload cache models/ammo/bar_clip.tik } client { cache tracer.spr cache muzsprite.spr cache models/ammo/rifleshell.tik cache models/fx/muzflash.tik cache corona_util.spr cache vsssource.spr } } animations { idle bar.skc reload reload_bar.skc { server { 18 surface bar4 +nodraw 46 surface bar4 -nodraw last idle } client { entry sound bar_snd_reload } } secondaryfire bar.skc { server { entry shoot secondary } } fire fire_bar.skc { server { entry shoot } client { entry stopaliaschannel bar_snd_fire entry sound bar_snd_fire // By now, the server has already fired the weapon, so it's // ok to apply the view kick apon entry to avoid problems // with multiple application on single frame animations. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // View Kicking // // View Kicking works based on the assumptions that every weapon has its own tendencies to kick in // a paticular fashion. In MOH we call then scatter patterns. Currently we have 2 scatter patterns which // will be explained. // Scatter Patterns: // "V" - the cone. The longer you shoot the more random your shots will be in the horizontal axis. // "T" - the T shape. The gun has a tendency to push in a paticular direction. // // // +-------------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Min // | +--------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Max // | | +------------------------------- Scatter Yaw Min // | | | +--------------------------- Scatter Yaw Max // | | | | +--------------------- The Recentering speed in degrees per second // | | | | | +---------------- The Scatter Pattern // | | | | | | +---------- The absolute pitch min/max // | | | | | | | +------- The absolute yaw min/max // | | | | | | | | +----- This is the pitch at which you loose all // | | | | | | | | | control of the weapon and its behavior is // | | | | | | | | | purely random. // V V V V V V V V V entry viewkick -1.96 -1.96 -1.2 1.2 3.2 "T" 10 0.60 12.0 // entry viewkick -2.0 -2.0 -1.32 1.35 3.2 "T" 10 0.60 12.0 (latest) // entry viewkick -2.0 -2.0 -0.2 0.05 2.5 "T" 12 0.2 2.2 //(StG/MP-44) // entry viewkick -3.5 -4.0 -1.0 1.0 //muzzle flash entry tagdlight tag_barrel 0.25 0.2 0.15 150 0.11 entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel ( count 1 model models/fx/muzflash.tik color 1.00 1.00 1.00 scale 0.60 life 0.05 offsetalongaxis -3 0 0 //orig -5 0 0 fade randomroll ) entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel ( count 1 model muzsprite.spr alpha 0.70 color 1.00 1.00 1.00 scale 0.60 life 0.05 offsetalongaxis 1 0 0 //orig 3 0 0 fade randomroll ) entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel ( count 1 model corona_util.spr color 1.00 1.00 1.00 scale 0.10 life 0.05 scalerate 11.00 fade randomroll ) entry tagspawn tag_barrel ( spawnrate 1.00 model vsssource.spr alpha 0.40 color .70 .70 .70 spritegridlighting scale 0.45 life 0.30 //orig 1.0 scalerate 10.00 velocity 200.00 //orig 60.00 //randvel range 20 -60 crandom -40 range 20 -60 offsetalongaxis 10 0 0 friction 6.00 //orig 7.00 fade randomroll ) // shell eject entry commanddelay 0.1 tagspawn tag_eject ( count 1 model models/ammo/rifleshell.tik spawnrange 1024 scale .75 //orig 1.0 velocity 70 randvel crandom 10 crandom 10 random 20 emitterangles 0 0 0 avelocity crandom 90 crandom 90 0 accel 0 0 -800 physicsrate 20 life 2.0 fadedelay 1.7 collision bouncefactor 0.2 bouncesoundonce snd_rifle_shell ) //chamber smoke entry commanddelay 0.01 tagspawn tag_eject ( //count 1 //orig 2 spawnrate 1 model vsssource.spr alpha 0.30 color 0.50 0.50 0.50 spritegridlighting scale 0.10 life 0.30 /orig 1.00 scalerate 10.00 velocity 60.00 randvel range 20 -60 crandom -40 range 20 -60 friction 5.00 fade randomroll ) // smoke puff // entry commanddelay 0.05 tagspawn tag_barrel // ( // volumetric // model gun // sets the type of smoke // life 5 // amount of smoke // scale 1.5 // radius // alpha 0.2 // density // color 0.7 0.7 0.7 // RBG color of the smoke // velocity 2 // base velocity away from the surface // randvelaxis random 6 0 0 // velocity offset // offsetalongaxis random 4 0 0 // positional offset // collision // turn on collision detection // ) } } } /*QUAKED addon_playerweapon_allied_bar (0.0 0.0 1.0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Weapon - Browning Automatic Rifle - US machine gun. */